1: Instaled all programs!
2: Open the file: All files for ETS2-truck-skins by GPunkt.rar:
3: Nehtm want the truck of her skinning!
4: Copy the folder on the PC in a separate folder!
5: Go into vehicle-truck-upgrade-paint job
6: Wält the paintjob_ …. dds with DXT1 from open bitmap …
7: Go to top image Send to Editor
8: Malt your truck to how YOU want!
9: Do not Save Up Paint ONLY go close!
10: Go back to DXT ..
11: Go to Image-Edit after Reloeded
12: Go to File-Save as DDS texture stores under the paintjob_ …
13: Go inside in Def – def-vehicle-truck-…-paint job ….
14: Here you can change the price level validation and name!
15: Who do you paint the logo in the menu at the wilt
16: Go into material-ui-accessory-paint job
17: Go into material-ui-accessory-paint job
18: Wält the paintjob_ …. dds with DXT1 from open bitmap …
19: Go to the top image Send to Editor
20: Malt your truck to how YOU want!
21: Save up go ONLY Not Paint close!
22: Go back to DXT ..
23: Go to Image-Edit after Reloeded
24: Go to File-Save as DDS texture stores under the paintjob_ … Whom
there is already be überschreiben.MUSS ALWAYS DDS DXT5 save! In
material-ui-accessory-paint job!
25: Def marked, material, vehicle
26: Select Add to archive! To write up the names purely hot as the skin: 27
28: Archive Format: select zip
29: Compression method: select Save
30: Take the top off and zip scs write down!
31: Go down to Ok
Author: ManuBe1998