Step 0:
Check that your Minecraft is at the correct version required. If you
already have BuildCraft or IndustrialCraft 2 (along with Minecraft
Forge) installed, you can skip directly to Step 4.
Step 1:
Find your minecraft.jar. On windows it will be located in %appdata%/.minecraft/bin. Backup your current minecraft.jar.
Step 2:
Delete the folder META-INF in your minecraft.jar. Not deleting it will
cause the game to fail to start up, even if you installed everything
else correctly.
Step 3:
Open your minecraft.jar with WinRAR or 7zip. Drag and drop the contents of the zip file for Minecraft Forge into the .jar. DO NOT INSTALL MODLOADER OR MODLOADERMP!
Step 4:
Add forestry-client-A-*.jar to your mod folder in
%appdata%/.minecraft/mods. This is also where the files for BuildCraft
and IndustrialCraft 2 should be located.
Step 5 (optional):
Test your installation by launching the minecraft client. Press the
button "Login" in the launcher and wait for the main menu to appear. Now
check the file ForgeModLoader-0.log in %appdata%/.minecraft/. You
should find a line that says "Mod class forestry.mod_Forestry loaded
successfully" from mod_Forestry.class" or something similar. If the file
does not mention Forestry, something is amiss.
Q: I have followed the installation instructions above and still get a black screen. What's wrong?
A: Remember Step 2! Double check if necessary.
Q: God, this is complex! Is there any form of overview over the possible production chains?
A: Yes, thanks to Crocodine there is a complete flowchart available at http://forestry.seng...n.Visualization . You should also browse the wiki for recipes and some more explanations and hints.
Q: I have built the logger and trees in the vicinity
start to disappear. How do I get the wood and saplings? I can't right
click the logger!
A: The logger's internal storage is not directly accessible. Place a
chest on one of the sides and the logger will dump it's storage into it.
However, the prefered method is to have Buildcraft installed and use a
pipe to extract harvested wood and saplings from the logger.
Q: I use BuildCraft pipes to extract wood from the logger. However I never seem to get the saplings out?
A: Wooden pipes will handle the logger as they would any other inventory
(chest, etc.). In practice this means, that pipes on the side will only
extract wooden blocks, never saplings. If you want to retrieve the
saplings, you will need to place a pipe on top of the logger.
L. Bug Reports
If you encounter bugs or gameplay/balance issues with the mod, please
post them in this thread so that others may help you. If you have issues
with the bukkit port, refer to
I am just a one man team, so the people using the mod will have to double as its QA team. Help make the mod better!
M. Help Wanted:
- Maintainer for the wiki. I currently can't keep up with the documentation. Any help there would be appreciated.
The code of "Forestry for Minecraft" in source or binary form is the
intellectual property of SirSengir. You may not reproduce, redistribute
or modify it.
Public and Server Mod Packs:
You are free to add Forestry to your modpack and redistribute it, as
long as the modpack is strictly non-profit and none of the other mods
are included against their license. Yes, this even applies to packs made
by people I don't like. Don't expect me to play tech support for your
modpack though. (Applies to and later.)